

EVPÚ Defence a.s. cares about its good reputation, emphasises honest, legal, ethical and transparent behaviour inside and outside the company (customers, suppliers and other third parties) and does not tolerate illegal conduct.

Do you suspect illegal or unethical behaviour in our organisation? Use our whistleblowing channel. Through this channel you can safely send us your reports.


Do you have any suggestions for improvement, ideas, questions or any feedback? You can use this communication channel, too.


Information sent through the whistleblowing channel is completely safe and you are not at risk of retaliation. The company also allows anonymous reporting. However, anonymous reports are not subject to legal obligations, see the Whistleblower Protection Act Guidelines for handling whistleblowing.

EVPÚ Defence's priority is therefore to create a system and corporate environment that will enable people to report a suspected crime, misdemeanour or other harmful conduct without fear of punishment and with the certainty that their complaint will be properly investigated and, in the event of misconduct, appropriate measures will be taken to arrange a remedy.


• Always submit accurate and truthful information.
• Be specific. Describe the situation and the people involved and give as much detail as possible.
• If necessary, upload attachments.


We will be glad if you stay in touch with us. We will probably ask you for more information and will also keep you informed about the resolution of your notification/report.
Therefore, please save the notification key which will appear when you send your notification. You can return to your notification at any time with this key.


The Whistleblower Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the "WPA") regulates the notifications that can be made through the internal whistleblowing system (Section 2 of the WPA). These are possible unlawful acts that have occurred or are about to occur in relation to a person for whom the whistleblower, even indirectly, has performed or is performing work or other similar activity, or in relation to a person with whom the whistleblower has been or is in contact in connection with the performance of work or other similar activity, and which:

a) has the elements of a criminal offence,
b) has the characteristics of an offence for which the law provides for a fine of at least CZK 100 000,
c) violates the Whistleblower Protection Act; or
d) violates any other legal regulation or regulation of the European Union in the field of:

1. financial services, statutory audit and other assurance services, financial products and financial markets,
2. corporate income tax,
3. prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing,
4. consumer protection,
5. compliance with product requirements, including product safety,
6. transport, transport and road safety,
7. protection of the environment,
8. food and feed safety and animal health,
9. radiation protection and nuclear safety,
10. competition, public auctions and public procurement,
11. protection of internal order and security, life and health,
12. protection of personal data, privacy and security of electronic communications networks and information systems,
13. protection of the financial interests of the European Union, or
14. functioning of the internal market, including the protection of competition and state aid under European Union law.

If the notification/report does not concern illegal conduct, the notified/reported conduct must violate the regulations falling within the areas defined under 1 to 14 above.



We use cookies

To make it easier for you to browse the site, offer personalized content or advertising, and be able to analyze traffic anonymously, we use cookies that we share with our social media, advertising and analysis partners. You can adjust their settings via the "Cookie settings" link and you can change it at any time in the footer of the website. You can find more detailed information in our Privacy Policy and the use of cookies.

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We use cookies

To make it easier for you to browse the site, offer personalized content or advertising, and be able to analyze traffic anonymously, we use cookies that we share with our social media, advertising and analysis partners. You can adjust their settings via the "Cookie settings" link and you can change it at any time in the footer of the website. You can find more detailed information in our Privacy Policy and the use of cookies. Do you agree with the use of cookies?

Necessary (technical)

These cookies help to make the website usable. They provide basic functions such as navigating the page or changing the browser resolution according to the size of your device. Without these files, the site cannot function properly. We use short-term (session cookies) - they are deleted from your computer after closing the browser.

Preferential (functional)

Preferred cookies allow a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or looks like your preferred language or the region in which you are located.

Statistical (performance)

These cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with the website by collecting and reporting information, often anonymously.


Advertising cookies are used to track visitors and their behavior. The intent is to show ads that are relevant and engaging to individual users and therefore more valuable to third-party publishers and advertisers..



This website uses cookies and from the point of view of law it is personal data. The administrator of this personal data is EVPÚ Defence a.s., Jaktáře 1781, Uherské Hradiště 68601,IČO: 26250888.

Further detailed information on how you can contact us and how we process personal data (including cookies) can be found in the document Privacy Policy, which you will find on our website.

Generally about cookies

Cookies are small text files that websites can use for many purposes, such as personalizing content and ads, providing social media features or analyzing traffic, some of which are used to make a website remember your preferences. These files are stored on your device (eg computer, tablet or mobile phone). Each website can only send its own cookies to your browser if your browser settings allow it.

The law stipulates that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site (see the section Necessary cookies), without your consent, based on the so-called legitimate interest. For all other types of cookies, we need your consent, the full text of which can be found here and which you can revoke at any time using this form.

Types of cookies

Cookies are divided according to the purpose for which they are used, as follows:

Necessary (technical)

These cookies help to make the website usable. They provide basic functions such as navigating the page or changing the browser resolution according to the size of your device. Without these files, the site cannot function properly.

These cookies can be blocked (disabled), but some parts of the site may not be displayed correctly, some parts may not even work. Instructions for the most frequently used browsers can be found here:

Preferential (functional)

Preferred cookies allow a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or looks like your preferred language or the region in which you are located.

Statistical (performance)

These cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with the website by collecting and reporting information, often anonymously.


Advertising cookies are used to track visitors and their behavior. The intent is to show ads that are relevant and engaging to individual users and therefore more valuable to third-party publishers and advertisers.

List of cookies

We use both our own cookies and third-party cookies on our website, whose own processing policies are listed here:

Developed by the law firm Petráš Rezek



Administrator identification: EVPÚ Defence a.s., Jaktáře 1781, Uherské Hradiště 68601,IČO: 26250888.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (the “Regulation”), I hereby agree that the above company (the “Administrator”) will process personal data (hereinafter referred to as personal data), namely:

  • cookies

for the purpose of:

  • statistical(1) (eg the time of your visit to our site, the most frequently used part of the site, etc.)
  • preferential (eg browser identification, language settings, etc.)
  • marketing and advertising (eg advertising personalization, search statistics, etc.)
  • other (other non-classified technical purposes)

Consent can be set for everyone (Yes button, I agree) or only for some purposes (by checking the relevant section), or it is possible to reject everything (I do not agree button).

Profiling may occur when marketing and preferential cookies are approved.

Providing data for the purposes of processing according to this consent is voluntary.

I acknowledge that I have the right to:

  • request access to my personal data,
  • request the correction or deletion of my personal data,
  • request processing restrictions,
  • object to the processing,
  • the portability of personal data,
  • file a complaint against the processing of personal data with the Office for Personal Data Protection.

I have been informed that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time in accordance with the Regulation by means of this link.

All information, including the possibility of exercising your rights, the method of withdrawing consent and the time of storage of individual cookies, can be found in the documents Cookies and Privacy Policy, which you will find on our website.

(1) The processing of statistical cookies is our legitimate interest. By checking the appropriate section here, you can object to this processing and stop processing it.